Official Symbols of Tau Beta Sigma
Accepted by the
Charter Members of the Sorority and approved by the first National Convention in 1947.
The Sorority's official colors: White and Blue
The Sorority Flower: The "American Beauty" Red Rose, long-stemmed
The Official Motto: "Tau Beta Sigma for Greater Bands"
The Official Cheer: T-A-U B-E-T-A S-I-G-M-A Tau Beta Sigma
Special emphasis should be places on the "U" in Tau, the "A" in Beta, and the "G-M-A" in Sigma. Both
syllables in "Sigma" should be emphasized as well (Sig-ma).
The Official Flag:
Southeast District Symbols
Mascot: Turtle (Shells)
Fruit: Pineapple
Official Songs
Loyalty Song Words and Music: Patricia Ann Wooldridge
We honor you this day, for the future, our shining ray. Your past, a history bold; Today's opportunities we
find unfolding. You stand for things held dear. May we become with each new year; Greater, grander and the best of
them all! We who are loyal, Devoted to service We who stand out about the rest. Oh, Tau Beta Sigma, may we become
the best!
Music, our common tie Which binds us side by side. Melody, harmony, and fun We share our joys with
everyone. God grant us strength to be Renewed to join with thee. Give us courage to stand for all that we hold secure We
who are loyal, Devoted to service We who stand out about the rest. Oh, Tau Beta Sigma, may we become the best!